Thursday, December 31, 2009


The news is starting to sink in. I feel exhilarated and overjoyed with a chaser of nervous and scared. I'm trying to stay positive. I know the stats behind miscarriages and infertility and all that jazz and I have the numbers on my side but I'm still very apprehensive. DH and I won't be telling many people until I'm at least through my first trimester. I'll blog about it because I'll need to talk about my feelings and all but we won't be yelling it from the hills so soon this time.
Of course I want to tell the world!! But I know it might not be a great idea.

And of course, its New Years Eve and we are going to a party and I can't drink. I'm an avid wine drinker so this will be pretty unusual to anyone who knows me..I think I'm gonna try and find sparkling cider to fake people out with...

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