Friday, September 25, 2009

Getting There

I'm getting there. My old self is starting to creep back from the depthes of the murkiness she was hiding in. I'm still angry. I still get sad. I have nightmares sometimes and I still don't think its fair but I realize that my baby didn't develop properly and that's why I lost it. I take solace in the fact that I found out when I did and hadn't finished out the first trimester without my body telling me. I still hate knowing that it was dead insid me for about two weeks before I knew... but I can't imagine finding out it had happenned weeks ago, ya know?

1 comment:

  1. It's good that you're moving through everything. I can't imagine how difficult things are for you. Faith is a funny thing, and it's so hard to keep it when you feel like the carpet was yanked out from under you, but if you keep believing and keep trusting, then one day, I truly believe, things work out for the best. One day you'll get to welcome home a new bundle of joy and you'll feel your life full of love! Ya know?

    I'm keeping you and your hubby in my thoughts and prayers!
